Process donations, variable amounts

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by 121Books, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. 121Books

    121Books Guest

    We are a Non-Profit and accept donations. But this may also be relevant to any aMember site, so they may accept contributions for whatever reason.

    Is it possible to set up a product group with a price field that may be completed by the user/member/visitor? This will act as a way to contribute (a user determined amount) to the site.

    Added bonus(s) would be if the group also had 2 or 3 predetermined selectable amounts, i.e. $5, 10, 20. Maybe a dropdown box so the cotributor may direct where/how/what cotribution is to be used for. Maybe a developer can accept $$ to focus on a paticular issue, or a site such as aMember could accept $$ to focus their development of a particular plugin or feature. Just brainstorming here, but I think this may be useful to a wide range of sites.

    I understand that I can always set up non-recurring individual product groups for these amounts, and even set them so they are only visible to current members. But this still limits the amount of the contribution and seems to be a little less elegant in the implementation.

    If any aMember users have an example of such a feature implemented on their site(s), please post a link, and tell the rest of us how you did it:confused: If any aMember users think this a good idea, or not, post a reply and let Alex know what you think.

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It is possible to setup variable price for a product - please contact us via helpdesk.

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