[forgive me if this has been asked before and I didn't see it throughout the forum] I want to have a product (back issue article) that can only be subscribed to if a member has an ACTIVE subscription. In the duration field I am unsure of what to put as I would like it to match the expiration of the current members subscription (subsciption duration varies for each member)? Also, in the Price_Group_ID I have set it to show -100 for available back issues. What do I put for the renewal group? As this should only be renewed if the current members subscription is renewed. And if I fill in Scope to be -only available to paid members ... the products don't show on the signup.php?price_group=-100 page but if I use visible to all they do? why is this - I am logged in as an active member? **also if this is a support@cgi-central.net question...sorry about that too. [/forgive] thanks. macx5@hotmail.com