Product Information Page

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by guylewis, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. guylewis

    guylewis Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Hi guys, I am selling audio files via amember product folders and would like to have a product information page for each product subscribed to.

    I see if I put an 'index.html' page in the product folder this hmtl page is opened if I click the subscription link in my member account area.

    I am using Wordpress with the amember integration but when the index.html page opens up it isnt embedded within the wordpress site / theme.

    Can anyone advise how to make these index.html pages embed into the site please?

    Thank you.

  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    I am not sure what you are trying to do with the "index.html" approach. Why not just use a WordPress page/post to display each audio file?
  3. guylewis

    guylewis Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Thanks for responding Grant. I'm being a bit dum as I'm not sure how to connect a WP page to each subscription. I've taken a look in the manual but I must be missing something. I see the Protect Content/Pages option , created a page and linked it to a product but this page doesnt appear if I click the subscription link in the member's area.

    Adding a little bit of detail I was hoping to avoid to not complicate things.. I have had an api created to enable access from a client's mobile app and sync the music files in each subscription. So I need the Protect Content / Folders to remain in place to associate each product with a folder of music. I cant just change these out to pages but was hoping there was a way to point the subscription links shown in the account area to separate pages. Maybe this is not possible.

  4. guylewis

    guylewis Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Sorted, The Protect Content/Pages just needed the "Display inside layout" enabled.

    Thanks Grant, just being dum here for a while.

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