product link not displayed when using custom protection script

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by gmtimothy, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. gmtimothy

    gmtimothy New Member

    Aug 29, 2006

    I am using the custom php protection script in amember v4 below and explained here -

    <?php include("aMember_Root_Dir/library/Am/Lite.php"); Am_Lite::getInstance()->checkAccess(array(1,3), 'My Protected Page Title'); .. any existing PHP code goes here ..&nbsp; ?>

    however how do I display the product link in the members page? I know that if you use the "Protect content" link in the amember admin you can get this to display, however I am avoiding using this method as I do not like the re-write function, as I use sessions to allow member access to various "protected" pages.

    I have decided to stay with amember v3.x until I can get this sorted out.

    Also on another note, does "My Protected Page Title" need to match that of the actual product name?

    Thanks for any help!!

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