Product/Membership model help needed

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by incirus, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. incirus

    incirus New Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I need to create a membership model as below;
    -Free - $0
    -Level 1 - $9
    -Level 2 - $19

    If somebody buys "Level 2" type membership, their membership will also include "Free" and "Level 1".
    If somebody has "Level 1" and pays $9, with the upgrade of membership to "Level 2" they will pay $19 not $28 ($19 + $9).

    I appreciate any help.

  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    I think this is more of an access issue than payment issue.
    EG if they order Level 1, they get access to level 1 and free content- this is set up in the protect content area.

  3. incirus

    incirus New Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I can deal with the access permissions.
    But the membership side of amember is confusing for the users.
    In my model, a user at Level 2 sees all the mebership levels in his account under subscriptions.
    Ever user start with free membership, next upgrade is Level 1 and then Level 2.

    I can get around with this in the template but I am just trying to understand the logic of amember.
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Unfortunately, there is no automatic upgrades handling in aMember. So user will have to cancel Level0 subscription first, then pay for Level1.
  5. incirus

    incirus New Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    Is there any workaround for this?
    Because my membership plan is a subscription based on monthly payments.
    -Each registered user has "Free" account. They dont pay anything so this level is not the problem.
    - Level 1 - They have to pay X amount every month
    - Level 2 - They have to pay Y amount every month

    That was my other problem.
    How does the cancellation works?
    I am currently using Paypal sandbox.
    When somebody wants to cancel the subscription, the system directs to paypal and then it gets lost.
    They cancel the recurring payments from Paypal but the system gets no information.

    Can you help me to create this system with aMember? or aMember is not the right solution for this?

  6. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    aMember is right solution for this, but we need time to get it developed right.

    Regarding cancel - it is not lost. Invoice (in aMember) is marked as "Cancelled" and access will be revoken when paid period is over.

    For now, an alternative is to accept Level2 subscriptions, then manually cancel their "Level1" subscription and send refund for remaining amount from Level1 subscription. We plan to get upgrades functionality finished by end of April.
  7. incirus

    incirus New Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    Alex, thanks for the reply.

    I don't mind doing some additional manual work for upgrades and cancellations but I am really confused here.

    1- As an admin, I havent received any cancellation emails or system message. So there is no way for me to know who cancelled their account.
    2- Once the user cancel at paypal, they just stay there. There is no way for the user turn back to my site. When they re-enter the site they still see their subscriptions with the "cancel" link.
    3- Where are the invoices that I can see"Cancelled"?
    4- Is Paypal the right choice for this or any other option of payment is more suitable?


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