Product Update

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mhmtozek, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    Where exactly uploaded products are stored on my server? I would like to upload new files over the old ones (overwrite) and update them. (or is there any other suggested way of product update?)
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Do you mean files that you uploaded through amember CP -> protect Content -> files ?
    They are stored in data folder. If you want to replace them use the same interface amember CP -> protect Content -> files and reupload files.
  3. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    CP -> protect Content -> files and reupload files.

    The problem is that the name of previous and current files are same. I would like to overwrite the old file but I see no way of doing that. I open edit product page -> and here I can not click on upload button until I delete the name of old product. Furthermore, when i upload new one, i see two files with same names.

    It is quite often that we release updates. It is not going to be any problem as of now, but if we can't delete the old versions, I am afraid it will be hard to manage files later.

    To delete a product, do i need to click on (-) instead of edit and then re-add that row?
  4. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    I decided to go with protect folder option and upload my files manually via ftp into a folder to overcome this issue.

    amember is renamed as dashboard and installed to root of my server ->
    - When I create a folder with name my-download and place subfolder per protect into, using browser i can directly access that directory.

    - When I move that my-downloads directory into amember installation, any access to that file returns 404 error.

    Something I am doing wrong?
  5. mhmtozek

    mhmtozek Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    - Solved

    Setup -> configuration -> plugins -> integration plugins both new-rewrite and htpasswd were enabled.

    When it is that way, folder protection method is defined as htpaswwd. And it does not work fine.

    When I disable htpasswd method under configuration page, and leave only new-rewrite as option, it works just fine.

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