Products hidden from order page when only 1 should be hidden

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by bennyuk1, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    If I setup a signup page with 3 product bricks, each using drop down selects to choose a product variant, if one of the drop donws is removed by the system then all the others are alos.

    To explain:-

    On my sign up form I have 3 product bricks, each with drop downs eg
    3 products in 3 drop downs with first row as emtpy options to say "select your product"

    Product 1 >
    [select your product]
    [full membership]
    [half membership]

    Product 2 >
    [select your product]
    [guide book]

    Product 3 >
    [select your product]
    [meeting ticket]
    [social ticket]

    Now If I allow only one item each to be bought (eg put rule that "Disallow purchase of [guide book] if ACTIVE subscription to [guide book] exists") I notice that if 1 product brick becomes unavailable, eg the [guide book] gets purchased, then ALL PRODUCT bricks become unavailable and we get the message
    "There are no products available for purchase. Please come back later."

    obviously it should just remove the 1 product brick insead of removing them all.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Error is generated by product brick element when there is no products available. I will rewrite product brick but need to know all possible usage situations when you have more then one product brick on signup page.
    Current structure handle this situation:
    When you have one product that is required and addons that are not required(we use this ourself on our site).
    From this post I understood that you need additional option to products brick: "hide if no elements". So brick will be removed if there is no products.
    Also from your other post about product bricks, as I've understood the problem is in first brick only? aMember require user to select product in first brick even if user selected products in other bricks already and I guess this should not happen?
  3. bennyuk1

    bennyuk1 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 12, 2012
    no, this problem is not dependant on first brick only. If any one brick is not allowed thatn ALL brick are removed. It should be that only the disallowed products are removed.

    The issue that the first brick is always required is another issue, but still a problem that needs to be fixed
  4. traderrobotics

    traderrobotics Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    Yes I'm having the EXACT same problem. I cannot show just one product. If is disallow one of the other products then they all disappear and I get the exact same error.
    I also noticed this post was never answered with a solution. Was a solution found? if so what was it?
    At this point I'm forced to leave products up that I do not want to be seen and that are not available for the customer to buy. I must do that just to keep the other product from disappearing.
    The form sign up block system is very limited, it's not the first time I've had problems with basic functions. Last time the problem was a simple up sell was beyond the capabilities of the system.
    Please let me know how to keep my single products from disappearing.
    thanks much

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