I've searched through and read a lot of the posts about custom signup.php pages and how to use group IDs etc. Nothing seems to quite fit what I need, so I need your help. I would like for a product to be able to redirect to a specific signup.php url or really any custom url if the user is not logged in. Example: User attempts to access site.com/prod1 which is set up as Product 1 in aMember. If that user is not logged in/registered, normally, they go to login.php and then can click on the link to register and go to signup.php. Is there a way to send the User that has not registered to signup_somethingotherthandefault.php, but that link be based upon which product they are trying to access? site.com/prod1 -> singup_prod1.php site.com/prod2 -> singup_prod2.php etc. I know how to create custom signup.php pages through aMember, but I can't find a way to point to those specific signup.php pages through aMember. I know I can create a link and put that on a web page, but I want aMember to handle that redirection dynamically when a user attempts to access something that they don't have access to already.
Try to modify protection code for each folder(in .htaccess file) and add additional parameter to redirection url. For example: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.com/plugins/protect/new_rewrite/login.php?v=-1,2,3&signup_page=/signup/page/url&url=%{REQUEST_URI}?%{QUERY_STRING} [L,R] Then in login.html template change this: Code: <p>#_TPL_LOGIN_NOT_REGISTERED_YET# <a href="{$config.root_url}/{if $affiliates_signup}aff_{/if}signup.php">#_TPL_LOGIN_SIGNUP_HERE#</a></p> to Code: <p>#_TPL_LOGIN_NOT_REGISTERED_YET# <a href="{if $smarty.request.signup_page}{$smarty.request.signup_page}{else}{$config.root_url}/{if $affiliates_signup}aff_{/if}signup.php{/if}">#_TPL_LOGIN_SIGNUP_HERE#</a></p>
It can also be done with Ken Gary's amSalesPages. The beauty is that you still have a signup page as with regular aMember, but you also are able to make product signup pages, an easy order page for members PLUS the logic for non-members to signup. It's my favorite plugin. Click here to check it out at Ken's site, he shares a video on how it works.