How do I change the "Save Profile" and "Back" buttons on the profile.php page to link to something other than the member.php page?
David, Thank you for your response. I was able to change the Back button but not the Save Profile button. I cannot find where to change the link. Steve
Any ideas on how to have the save profile button link to a page other than member.php. I have messed with this for awhile now and cannot make any progress. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.
You need to change redirect in this function inside profile.php: PHP: function display_saved(){ global $t, $db,$config; global $_amember_id,$email_confirmation_required; $user = $db->get_user($_amember_id); if($email_confirmation_required){ profile_send_verification_email($user); } html_redirect("member.php", false, _TPL_PROFILE_SAVED_TITLE, _TPL_PROFILE_SAVED_SUCCESS);}