Protect Content word editor does not work

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by andy1961, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. andy1961

    andy1961 New Member

    Aug 11, 2011
    Hello. I am building a website with hundreds of download links on pages I did on: Products/Protect Content/Pages. Everything works OK on my Toshiba laptop but I need a bigger hard drive, so I to moved my website and links to develop to my bigger Gateway laptop. I installed amember and I am disappointed as word editor did not install on my Gateway laptop. Instead of the word editor I have a box with my html codes. When I tried to update my links and save, all the page with content disappeared from the member section and cannot be viewed by the "member" even so I selected that the page be saved end viewed by members. When I click the link to that page from the admin area I get access denied message until payment is done.
    I did copy my easyPHP server with the amember content including sql database from my Toshiba to Gateway to be sure all files are the same and still there is no word editor.
    Please tell me how to fix the problem.

    Thank You in advance for your help.

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Well, I recommend to make sure that all files were copied. Try to reupload everything again but this time try to use different ftp client.
    If this doesn't help, contact us in helpdesk and provide access info.
  3. andy1961

    andy1961 New Member

    Aug 11, 2011
    Oh Alex. You do not understand me.
    aMember installs without the word editor on my laptop "localhost"server EasyPHP (I do not have a hosting yet). You emailed me a fresh copy of aMember today and installs without word editor too. I tried to install aMember on different versions of EasyPHP and does not work too.
    Do you think that WAMP Windows server will work better than EasyPHP?
    Tell me which Windows local server you are using to test your products so I will install the same.
    Thank You in advance.
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    It should work with easyPHP for sure.
    What browser do you use?
    If Firefox, please install FireBug extension then try to open any page whish should have editor and check javascript errors in console, or check network panel, may be some files are missing.
    In Chrome you can use Developer Tools panel.

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