Someone set up amember for me, and the folder was protected with htpasswd method. It works great when someone goes to since they are prompted with a login box that prevents access. HOWEVER, by simply going to the login box is NOT presented and full access is granted. Is the protection really this bad?!?
Hey Leo7068, Something is very wrong in the setup on your server. This is not the typical behavior of aMember. What version of aMember is installed on your server? Did you setup the protection yourself using the "Protect Folders" in Admin or manually?
It is a host account with The version is 3.1.2PRO I used the admin panel and selected /doc as the folder to protect I have no idea how to manually edit or change things
Agree with Skippy that something is very wrong. Is it a brand new setup? If you need help to look into your setup, email codeispoetry [at] Lee
Agreed, if this is a new setup did you actually purchase aMember Pro or is this a trial setup? If you purchased, you should be using 3.16. Alex and team will install it for free and I can even help get you going as well if need be. If you are using trial, you should be using 3.16 (the latest version)
Problem Solved! I believe it is that version because I don't want to update it, and I paid to have the site and membership software integrated a while ago. Unless there is an urgent reason to update I rather just let it be, since everything is working. The problem was FireFox had a saved authentication session for the site without www. Clearing cookies didn't help, so I had to clear all saved sessions and passwords. Now it asks for a login both times. Thanks go to Lee, who suggested this solution which saved me hours of banging my head on the wall. Good community here, and I will share the site once it is out of beta stage.Too embarrassing until then.