Quantity Selection in Basket not deleting after aborted payment

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by linguaspectrum, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. linguaspectrum

    linguaspectrum Online English Teacher

    Apr 25, 2009
    The new feature enabling a customer to select a quantity of a product is just what I was waiting for. However, I have found a couple of issues.
    Issue one:
    1. Customer selects a quantity of an item and adds to their basket.
    2. They then go to PayPal to make the payment, but change their mind.
    3. They return to the basket and change the order amount. Everything works fine to here.
    4. They decide not to buy anything and select the delete in their basket and update. :oops: The items are not deleted from the basket. Even changing the quantity to 0 does not work as the system does not handle 0 amounts.
    Issue two:
    1. My students are directed to their basket to buy quantities of product using the product category code. This ensures that they can only buy the products that they are entitled to.
    2. They select the required quantity and go to View Basket. So far so good.
    3. If they click the Return button, however, they go back to an :oops: empty cart because the product category code is not passed in the URL. They need to go back to the cart determined by the original category code.
    The quantity selection of product is a great feature, and will be perfect when these two issues are resolved. Keep up the good work.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
  3. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011

    how do I increase the quantity of the product at the shopping basket. Can only add the product to my basket but cant increase the quantity...
  4. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    its ok got it...

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