Hoping someone can shed some light on the below. Getting my head around the Access Permissions. Background: Using the wordpress plugin to protect content. Member are billed monthly and content is drip feed. start to expiration <= not sure if when content is protected with this setting. When cancelled the monthly subscription they don't have access to content with this setting. start to forever <= guessing that this means that after they cancel they will still have access to this content forever. If I set a page to have access on the 60th day to forever and they cancel on the 40th day they will not be billed and will not have access to this content, is that correct? If I set a page to have access on the 60th day to forever and they cancel on the 70th day they will have access to this content forever, even through they have canceled, is that correct? On the wordpress plugin =>amember=>setting There is a setting Protect whole blog if enable and I select Any Product and set to Start to Expiration dose this mean that when they cancel they will no langer have access to any posts/pages regardless of the individual page/post protection setting?