Re-Install - Database Crash

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by lvtriclub, May 13, 2013.

  1. lvtriclub

    lvtriclub Member

    Sep 17, 2011
    Our club migrated from 3.0 to 4.0. The file transfer (human to human) was pretty painful. Then, for me as the developing there was the learning curve of aMember. I am a fan of the software and still learning things. Just an FYI, we are integrated with BuddyPress/Wordpress and YES I have read the notes ad infinitum.

    Here is my issue and question.

    Once I successfully got everything moved over and I successfully modified the CSS to work with my theme, the database link crashed and I kept getting an error message. In efforts to expedite things, I basically complete removed the amember folder and did a fresh install but with the same config.php credentials. THEN, I dragged over the CSS folder and updated the theme.

    We stayed stable for about 45 days and then I was notified the DB had crashed and I was getting the same Wordpress error message. So, I downloaded the most current version, did a fresh install and updated the CSS. PIA at 3am but willing to do that for my customers.

    I then realized there were many things in the admin panel that did not carry over and I need to update them. This past weekend the Treasurer of our group wanted to do a report and none of the custom fields were available. I thought by chance I had created the fields in an incorrect fashion but now realized that anytime I were to a fresh install, I need to know which files or this folder I can use as a backup so I do not have to manually re-create all these custom fields again.

    For example, to re-instate my CSS, I just upload my backup folder /public to application/default/views/public and I am back in business.

    I am thinking there is a similar folder I can re-instate for my existing admin panels settings without disrupting any upgrades.

    Has anyone been down this road before?

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