Well I found the location to do it (Protect Content -> Email Messages) but I need a little clarification. I want to send the new subscriber an email on the 6th day, but what does "(starts from 2)" mean? Does this mean that '1' is Day 2, '2' is Day 3, etc? Or will '6' send an email on the 6th day? Also for anyone familiar with this feature, what's the best way to test it? For example, I want to know if someone upgrades from the Silver level membership to the Gold level membership, are they going to get this email 6 days after they upgrade? If they cancel for a few months and then renew their membership, will it trigger this email 6 days later? I'm trying to figure this out because this email will say "Reminder: your membership will renew tomorrow" after their 1-week trial, but in the above situations (upgrade or renewing after cancelling in the past) there won't be a trial period.
Hello Scott, It means 1 does not make sense - you need to use immediate instead. 2 means second day, 3 - third etc. In your case it is better to use Payment Emails. You can setup it on same page. You can setup this email to send 1 day in advance of upcoming recurring payment. I guess it is exactly that you need. aMember have mail log and you can check that aMember sent such emails at aMember CP -> Utilities -> Log -> Mail Queue You need to check that mail log is enable at aMember CP -> Configuration -> Setup/Configuration -> E-Mail (Log Outgoing E-Mail Messages for ... days) Best Regards.
Thanks Caesar. I'll talk to the boss about using a Payment Email instead but we really just want 1 email sent at the end of the trial period (not every month). But he might decide to send them every month anyway, I'll see about that.