Really Guys? E-mail Que Issue....

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by scottlott, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. scottlott

    scottlott Member

    Jun 17, 2010
    So I just did a mass mail out to my subscribers using the e-mail que function in aMember. I love it except there is one not-so-well thought out issue that kind really bad.

    I send the mail out and tell aMember not to exceed 900 e-mails a day, great. I click "send" and it sends the first 900 of the 16,000 e-mails in the que. Now what? Now whenever a customer purchases from me and the system needs to send out a sign up email it doesn't. Why? Well the 900 e-mails are already used up that day by the mail out.

    What? WHAT? No sign up emails while I'm doing a mail out?!? For 2 weeks!?! SERIOUSLY!? Now I have to hand e-mail the customers. This is a joke.

    The e-mail que feature needs to have separate functions for signup and regular business e-mails (like lost passwords) and another function for mass mail outs.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This is not correct. And explained situation already handled by Mail queue without a problem (just tested this on my local install to be sure)
    Here is what will happen when you send email message to 16000 customers and have limit set to 900 emails a day:
    First, amember will not send all 900 emails at once, because as you wrote, signup emails will not work then.
    It only will user 80% of limit. So only 720 emails will be send in a day. All other emails will be queued and will be send later. All other emails that are requested by user (signup, password reminder etc..) will be sent immediately. If this does not happen on your installation, contact me in helpdesk I will check what can be wrong.

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