When configuring a new aMember product for use with the CCBill integration plugin, the aMember product does not offer a field for the price of rebilling. This could be an integration problem when someone does not want to rebill at the same price as initial sign-up. CCBill forms, on the other hand, do allow for rebilling at a different price than initial sign-up and that rebill price is tailorable in the CCBill forms. Since aMember ultimately points customers to the CCBill sign-up form, I'm somewhat less alarmed, but I really need to confirm the actual price at which subscription rebills are charged (when using aMember --> CCBill integration). Are subscribers re-billed based on aMember's product pricing settings (meaning rebills are logically supposed to be the same price as initial sign-up), or are customers rebilled according to the CCBill forms where aMember product purchases are re-directed? -Fred
Fred, aMember only redirects customer to ccBill payment form with given ccBill product id. All price, and rebilling price will be defined by CCBILL product settings, aMember product price doesn't make sense here.