Recurring Billing with a trial period

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by ajmartin, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. ajmartin

    ajmartin Guest

    Hi There,
    Loving the script and it seems to do everything we want.
    I am however slightly confused over the following scenario....

    I have setup a product like so in ccbill

    3days at $5.95 then recurring every 30days at $19.95

    In amember I set up the product...

    3days at $5.95 and mapped it to the ccbill code.

    Do i choose recurring in amember for this product? and if I do won't this mean that it will recur every 3days?
    If I set recurring too 'no' will the ccbill recurring payment automatically adjust the time to the user?

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    enter into aMember product settings:

    Period = 30d
    Price = 19.95
    Trial 1 Period = 3d
    Trial 1 Price = 5.95
    Recurring = YES

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