I've been having this problem for over a month. Orders are going though 1Shoppingcart but they are not updating in aMember. Everything was working fine for a long time but then it just stopped. However, a few came through today. (??) All my settings, password, product codes, length of membership etc are all correct. Error Logs This is for one that just updated: 1shoppingcart DEBUG: OrderID => 166193175 Amount => 29.00 Status => rebill AMemberID => 8018 NextRebillDate => 10/14/2010 VerifySign => 7f34210a1b27693fc6db84527cd1bd31 This is for one that did not (most of them) 1shoppingcart ERROR: Validation error: verifysign incorrect. Make sure you set the same password in both 1ShoppingCart and aMember Pro CP - The 1SC password and Pro CP are both the same. Any ideas why these are not all updating? Thanks, RM
I've heard from a number of admins that are having a similar issue with 1SC.. I would contact 1SC directly and see if there are issues on their end.
1SC does not have a clue. I've talked to them several times and they know nada. Nevertheless I suspect it still might be them!
I experienced this same problem after migrating to another server. I called 1SC support and they asked for the url (old and new server) so they could update the settings on their side. They keep closing the ticket, saying it's fixed. We migrated on 8/16/10 and it's now 9/24/10. They still haven't fixed it and I don't think they can. We're now in the process of migrating to InfusionSoft. It's a much better solution for us anyway...