Hi, How would I go about redirecting new customers and existing customers to their personal folder that was created with the personal folder plugin? What I would like to have happen is instead of having my customers going to the member.php page, my users would instead go to their page. If customer 1 entered their user name and password it would automatically take them to their folder i.e. /amember/members/customer1. I've read just about every redirect post in the forums from entering the product URL in products to hard coding redirects, but I think to do this I'm going to need to pass a variable such as the customer's user name which would also be the folder aMember created. I even tried a variable I saw in the config in the product URL, but it didn't work. Entering /subscriptions/members/<!--LOGIN-->/ in the product URL was a no go =) Thanks for any help on this!
How are you adding the user login to the URL? Specifically is this a PHP login page or HTML/Smarty? What exact code are you using and we can help fix it.
Try to edit login.php and change this: PHP: $redirect = $config['root_url'] . "/member.php"; to PHP: $redirect = "http://example.com/url/of/personal/folders/".$_SESSION[_amember_user][login];
Thanks for the replies. @skippybosco I'm using the login.php that comes with aMember that is linked on an html page. User clicks on the hyperlink to login and they are redirected to login.php @alexander thank you for the code. I edited the login.php as instructed and when I now try and login I get an HTTP 403 Forbidden error message. My guess is that now it has something to do with permissions so I'm playing around with that while I wait to see if anyone can help further, but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.
Went back and just double checked everything. I had a redirect in my product. After removing this, it works perfectly! Thanks so much.