I think it would be great idea if someone can make a plugin where a person signing up can enter an existing member as a referal and aMember could give the referer 5 or 10 extra days added to their billing cycle.
It is named "recommend" and is not available for automatic sales. Here is readme for the plugin: "RECOMMEND IT" module readme This module allows you to grant free subcription to members recruting new subscribers for you. It is like an affiliate program, but you give not money, you give subscription for free. Free subscription will be give only once for every new reffered paying subscriber. INSTALLATION 1. Unpack/upload files to amember/plugins/protect/recommend/ folder. 2. Enable module at aMember CP -> Setup -> Plugins 3. Configure module at aMember CP -> Setup -> Recommend 4. Visit each your product at aMember CP -> Manage Products and configure some value for new appeared field: "Period to give referral" 5. Now every your member will see new link at amember/member.php, named "Recommend this site and get free subscription". Please try to login and review this page. You can (and should!) customize message on this page. To do this, edit template amember/plugins/protect/recommend/info.html Please contact us via helpdesk if you are interested and we will respond with the payment link.
I'm trying to figure out if this plugin will work for what I want, and I'm not totally clear yet on how it works. So let me explain how I "want" it to work, and see if that helps! I offer a free one-month membership. At the end of the free month, folks can choose to continue by adding a monthly or 6-month paying recurring membership. IF the new member renews with a paying membership, then I'd like to grant the referring member a free extension of x days, one-time. Could this work? Thanks, Terri Z www.Solo-E.com
Yes, it is possible to do with "recommend" plugin. Contact support via helpdesk to get purchase links.
Recommend Plug-in Questions I have searched the Forum, and read the other Q&A(s) for this Plug-in; however, I have a few more questions if anyone can answer. I’m also posting them here in the Forum, rather than in the Help Desk, so hopefully the answers will help others and help Alex sell a few more of this Plug-in. My site: www.121books.org, we convert and provide free ebooks, of all types, to our members. My goals: 1. To offer an incentive for member referrals. 2. To be able to credit members the cost/price of donated books. My Questions 1. From the Admin CP, can the Admin manually add credit(s) to member accounts? This will allow us to credit our members for donated books. Or does the Plug-in interface with the User Payment/Subscriptions to add the credited period to the Period field (with no way to manually add credits)? 2. What details does a new member enter (login/name/email)? And does the Plug-in add a field/row to the sign-up page, like if coupons are used? 3. Does the new link in the existing members area generate email(s) to go out or something else? 4. If the product group already has the first mo free, will the new user just be credited their 2nd mo free also? Or should I disable the automatic free month to use the Plug-in? 5. Can the Plug-in ensure that an existing member is credited only when the new member actually makes 1st payment (this is a little different from terriz’s post)? 6. For existing members; can they accumulate multiple credits for multiple referrals, and then be billed when they run out? 7. Are there conflicts when using different subscription time periods (e.g. If an existing annual member is credited a month, will they then be billed after month 13? 8. Will it allow a lifetime member to still accrue credits, then the Admin may mail a check (like an affiliate), or offer another incentive, then manually deduct the credits from the lifetime members account settings in aMember?
1. Not exactly. However, you are able to manually add any subscription with any period (or extend existing) to any user account. 2. Plugin does not add any fields, but you can add any using aMember CP -> Add FIelds. 3. No, it does not generate email, but users can copy the link and use it in emails or on websites. 4. If necessary, you may greate even a new hidden product specially for crediting. 5. No, user granted when user completes his subscription. If your subscription has free trial included, user will be credit immediately after subscribing. 6,7. Unfortunately, this plugin does not work correctly with recurring billing. 8. Yes, but it will require lot of manual work. ON MY OPINION, it is better to run usual affiliate program. You are in profit anyway!