There's a reliable adult payment processor that blows away all the others in terms of features and lowest adult rates. Here is their website: They have provided integration documents and Alex can create a plugin for $80. If folks are interested in pitching in to make this integration a reality, then you can message me and I'll make arrangements to round up payments that will fund Alex to do this integration. This new YNOT merchant would serve as a great backup or vending solution for any aMember webmaster interested in lower rates as an adult merchant. There is a demo of their merchant system that you can view from this greeting message (that I've cut and pasted) which the YNOT merchant sends to interested clients: Greeting message from YNOT Payments: We now offer Direct, and very secure, merchant accounts. If you are using one of the third party companies, you are probably paying a fee over 12% (I may be wrong). Well, with your own Direct Merchant account, you can pay fees as low as 7.5%, or lower...just to start. Do the math...this could save you $1 or more per transaction. Other benefits include... ***Your own, personal descriptors*** ***Money saving rates, lowest in the Industry*** ***YNOT brand trust and security*** ***Account set up within one week*** ***Zero set-up fees*** ***Fraud scrubbing by CyberSource*** Cybersource fraud scrubbing is incredible. It is the only company which works in real time with VISA/MC to check over 150 different variables on each transaction, in real time, in seconds, to see how legitimate a credit card transaction is. There is simply no better company. Yep, costs nothing, saves you money, and is 100% ready. Here is a link to the admin area, so you can take a peek at the admin interface...please pay attention to the latest feature, the *Virtual Terminal* You can actually enter credit card information by hand. This admin area is the best possible back end you can get now. MID: 2 U: 2 P: test Please feel free to go in and click around...its quite detailed. If you are using a Affiliate Software program, we can easily integrate. So its simple, let us get you an account, you set it up, you test it, you use it, you fall in love with it, and then eventually you will want to use it more... Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this new v2.0. Bob “YNOTBob”
I've never heard of you guys so i'm a bit skeptical but hopefully with some answers that'll change. Do i need to pay like a $750 visa acceptence fee, ccBill charges this to begin to accept visa, and 350 every year. Where can i see a list of your current clients, wether it be merchants, or just people who use your service, i'd like to contact them as well, if thats possible. How do i get my money from my account with you, to my bank account? Do you directly deposit all transactions into my account, or do you hold them all and wait for me to request them? Looking forward to your response. Thanks
Hi there, I am a member to the ynot Board since ages. Havnt used ynot payment yet cause I am a happy ccbill client but maybe I will switch soon...
I'm a happy ccbill client too but the 7.5% Ynot rate (if not lower pending your qualifications) looks a lot better than ccbill's 14.5%. The backend system is pretty robust too, and more pleasing to the eye than ccbill's in my opinion. I would like the ability to use ynot as a backup or primary, but I guess it will be based on the interest level of those who are willing to fund developement of the aMember integration plugin.
I'm pretty sure the $750 charge is a Visa fee and only applies to people in the US. For example, it's pretty standard for CCBill and Paycom to require the $750 from US residents who need to process Visa cards, but as I am in the UK, I did not have to pay the fee.
Me too, I don't have to pay cos I am a foreigner. I am glad that they do not charge foreigner for that. __________________ Shopping | Before You Buy A DLP Projector
I'm interested in this option yatesf. I'll be contacting ynotpayment directly for details on my specific situation then will come back here to bug Alex about it if it's my best solution.
One of my clients is talking about trying Ynotpayments as a backup processor. I will let you know how it goes.