I use aMember to administer subscriptions to a paid newsletter. However the text: "Newsletter Subscriptions Unsubscribe from all e-mail messages" on the membership page member,php is confusing to subscribers as the product they subscribe to IS an email newsletter. Is there any way of removing this notice without editing the php code?
You need to remove this block from member.html template: Code: <h3>#_TPL_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTIONS#</h3> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function checkboxes(num){ if (num == 1){ is_checked = document.subs.unsubscribe.checked; for (i = 0; i < document.subs.elements.length; i++){ if (document.subs.elements[i].name == 'threads[]' && document.subs.elements[i].checked){ is_checked = false; } } document.subs.unsubscribe.checked = is_checked; } if (num == 2){ for (i = 0; i < document.subs.elements.length; i++){ if (document.subs.elements[i].name == 'threads[]'){ if (document.subs.unsubscribe.checked){ document.subs.elements[i].checked = false; } document.subs.elements[i].disabled = document.subs.unsubscribe.checked; } } if (document.subs.unsubscribe.checked){ document.getElementById('newsletters_td').className = 'disabled'; } else { document.getElementById('newsletters_td').className = ''; } } } --> </script> <form method="post" name="subs" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF|escape}"> <table class="newsletters"> <tr><td id="newsletters_td" {if $unsubscribed}class="disabled"{else}{/if}> {foreach from=$threads_list item=tr} {if $tr.is_active} <input type="checkbox" id="tr{$tr.thread_id}" name="threads[]" value="{$tr.thread_id}" {if $threads[$tr.thread_id] eq '1'}checked="checked"{/if} onclick="checkboxes(1)" {if $unsubscribed}disabled="disabled"{/if} /> <label for="tr{$tr.thread_id}"> <strong>{$tr.title}</strong><br /> <span class="small">{$tr.description}</span> </label> <br /> {/if} {/foreach} </td></tr> <tr><td> <input type="checkbox" id="unsubscribe" name="unsubscribe" value="1" {if $unsubscribed}checked="checked"{/if} onclick="checkboxes(2)" /> <label for="unsubscribe"><strong>#_TPL_NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBE#</strong></label> </td></tr></table> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="newsletters_update" /> <input type="submit" value=" #_TPL_NEWSLETTER_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTIONS# " /> </form> <!-- end of newsletters form -->
How would I just Remove the "Unsubscribe" Option. This way members would still see archive of Newsletters I've sent but not be able to unsubscribe. Doe's unsubscribe mean newsletters wouldn't show up in members section but that they would still receive emails from admin? Or would they not receive emails anymore either.
They will not receive emails anymore. You need to do as suggested above in order to remove unsubscribe options.
OK thanks. I was confused over whether or not member could still view it in there subscriptions page. After testing I noticed the message still shows up in Newsletter section even though they dont receive emails anymore. Like other's said having the unsubscribe option in email is good to have. I was just worried they wouldn't show up in newsletter section, so I'm glad they do. Thanks.