I have a single product that costs $29.95 per month (recurring) with a one-time setup fee of $45. The only way I could figure out to implement this in amember was to set up a 1-month trial at $74.95 with a 1-month recurring charge of $29.95. This all works fine except for renewals; when a user cancels or expires, the renewal info correctly shows on the member page, but the renewal fee includes the trial fee (it shows up on the checkout screen with a $74.95 fee). I would like to allow users to renew at the monthly recurring price, as if there were no trial period/price. What am I missing? Thanks! -Gene
You need to create a 2nd product without the trial fee. Then play with the allow/dissallow to prevent members from reordering the original product with the trial. David
Customer subscribes to product and gets charged trial + 1st month subscription fees. At the end of month 1, subscription ends. Now what? You are suggesting to create a 2nd product, identical except for the trial fee. How does the subscriber get automatically moved to this product #2 now, with the subscription to product #1 being terminated? I don't see how your suggestion provides the automation of process the OP is asking for.
Suggestion was correct. If you will check first message in this thread, question was about manual renewals when recurring payment is cancelled and expired. Also, First product scope can be set to "Signup only" and second to "Paid members only" So user even will not see first product in this situation.
I set up something like this, but ran into a small glitch. I have 3 paid membership options, plus 3 "extension" membership options available only to members having the original membership. The problem comes up when I try to allow access to the extension membership to those already having the extension membership. When I do this, EVERYONE sees the option.