I am unable to provide renewal support of products that have a negative price group? http://www.xyzjunk.com/amember/member.php?tab=add_renew doesn't work? http://www.xyzjunk.com/amember/member.php?tab=add_renew?price_group=-15 doesn't work? aMember Pro 3.1.9 installed.
Two options in this thread that should sort you out: https://www.amember.com/forum/showthread.php?p=51063
Temporarily fixed... I temporarily fixed it -- This line 378 in member.php } elseif ($v['price_group'] < -16){ /* N2 was < 0 */ unset($products_to_renew[$k]); My groups go down to -15. But a patch needs to be issued to allow negative group members to renew!