Report Totals

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by microlinx, Dec 1, 2012.


Which version of reports do you prefer?

  1. Version 4

  2. version 3

  1. microlinx

    microlinx Member

    Oct 26, 2004
    I just upgraded to ver 4 and one thing that ver 4 is sadly missing it a TOTAL row on reports.

    I select "Income Report - payment minus refunds", use the period "This week" and quantity of "day", the report gives me the dates, total sales per day, but no total for the week! That report should also include a column for number of sales each day and their totals.

    The other reports are just plain odd...if in the above example I select a quantity of "week" and a period of week (sun - sat) it gives me a strange graph that goes Sunday to Sunday and indicates sales on days that have not occurred yet. Overall the reports need a lot of work. I loved ver 3's reporting and miss it already. :^(
  2. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Overall I much prefer the new version. In particular the whole look of it is more modern appearance.

    Yes there may be a few 'minor problems' but most of these have been down to learning the new way of doing things and new way of customising, not because of major short comings within the core program.

    If you are so disappointed with the program, because of of individual features such as the reporting, have you taken the trouble to add it to the aMember wants and improvements list at - probably not!

    Numerous suggestions have been made there and many have been implemented.
  3. microlinx

    microlinx Member

    Oct 26, 2004
    You are right, it looks good, but is there a way to get the totals included in the lists?
    Yup, this topic should have been posted there...sorry bout that!

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