Hello! Just wanted to inform that the return-path in the emails sent by amember scripts are not working at all. In my case, nobody@domain kind of a return path is filles out and this is the case when a logical return path variable is not passed on.
I fixed this. I've fixed this by replacing the phpmailer function in common.inc.php with my own. Contact me for relevent code.
Hi! Thanks. Thats interesting! I think Alex should change the code. But if you have to interest to help the community of amember, it would be helpful to publish it here. Or if it is possible to send me the code as PM, I would appriciate even that, if you are hesitant to release it here.
a quickfix. Edit file amember/common.inc.php, replace $mail->From = $config['admin_email_from'] ? $config['admin_email_from'] : $config['admin_email']; to $mail->From = $config['admin_email_from'] ? $config['admin_email_from'] : $config['admin_email']; $mail->Sender = $mail->From;
Following Alex's suggested change didn't work for me, but the following did: Edit file amember/includes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php, replace Code: var $Sender = ""; with Code: var $Sender = "return@mydomain.com"; obviously your should put whatever return path address is appropriate to you.