Revisiting a Wordpress multisite question for v4 aMember

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by solari, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. solari

    solari aMember Pro Customer

    Dec 22, 2006
    We are in the middle of launching a national network of sports sites using WP multisite version and the majority of these sites will charge for subscriptions. I've been exploring a variety of solutions/plug-ins to handle this and this one looks promising. I do have some questions that I hope can be answered, though:

    Throughout the network, each site will have three sub levels and they will handle their own subscriptions.

    Basic (Free)
    (Plus each site's forums will have a premium sub-forums that only allows paid members of that specific site to read.)

    1) Since we are a network of sites using multi-site, is it possible for members who pay for a subscription to site A can also get access to all the other sites on the network EXCEPT certain areas restricted for site members only? I.e. Site A has a private set of forums only for Site A members so that everyone else can't read them. The rest of the forums on Site A are open to all though.

    2) Can each site have their own processor? Some of us use PayPal. Some use, etc. Is it possible to let each site handle their own this way but still provide access throughout the network?

    3) In lieu of #2 above, maybe I need to expound a bit further -- it's our goal to have an national network of sites as in a co-op fashion where each site has their own subscription responsibilities i.e. merchant/processor, but ties into the network system so that customers at site A can access site B (except private forums as explained in #1). Is this possible?

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Sure this is possible but may require several customizations to amember itself. this can be done with single aMember installation only. Customizations will be required in order to display aMember pages in different design depends on domain name, use diffeernt signup forms, etc...
  3. fonderco

    fonderco New Member

    Mar 7, 2010
    I have a follow-up question.

    I have a WordPress multi-site installation with many sites. Each site is on its own custom domain using domain mapping. I want users to access purchase access to each site (custom mapped domain) separately via purchase different products in Amember...

    Is that possible?

    For example: = amember is mapped to -> (restrict pages/posts/categories via purchase of site1 product) is mapped to -> (restrict pages/posts/categories via purchase of site 2 product)

    Make sense?
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    No unfortunately such setup will not work.
    Please see my reply in other thread.
  5. fonderco

    fonderco New Member

    Mar 7, 2010
    Is there any documentation on how amember works with multisite? Can Amember assign users to have access to sites based on the product they purchased?

    Because if the only problem is session then for domain mapping I can set it to not redirect to primary domain... i.e. "Disable primary domain check. Sites will not redirect to one domain name."

    Basically the public will see the mapped domain until they login then they will see the multisite domaim name...

    I will let you know how it works. :cool:

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