Safecart and Amember

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by yyshin, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. yyshin

    yyshin New Member

    Mar 11, 2008

    anyone has any experience with safecart and amember?

    I had this in the setup option SafeCart Payment Plugin Configuration
    1. Notification URL in your Safecart account should be set to
    2. Notification types should be set to XML

    Please take a look at the screenshot that is attached. What should I select in the drop down and all the empty fields.

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.10.22 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.10.29 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.10.26 AM.png

    At the manage product page in amember (as attached at the screenshot), there are 2 fields that are related to safecart:

    SafeCart SKU
    you must create the same product in Safecart and enter SKU here


    SafeCart Product
    You can get it from cart url:

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.12.12 AM.png

    What should I fill in over here? (I have attached the offer section of the product that I have created in revenuewire admin

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.14.21 AM.png

    There are a few confusion point here that need the experts in this forum to help me to clarify as well.

    I need to create Precart: Registration page and Precart: Purchase page (as shown in the attached screenshot) how does this 2 pages work with amember? How can I link them together?

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.16.50 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.16.22 AM.png

    For the receipt/thank you page (as attached in the email) what should we fill in ?

    Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 2.22.12 AM.png
  2. yyshin

    yyshin New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    any help will be appreciated

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