I am really lost. Not sure how to go about securing my paid members pages for our How to make a quilt video quilt instructions couse: of members.html members2.html members3.html and securing the free members page members-free.html I've created the product but now need to figure out how to secure them. Anyone got direction?
You need to apply protection to a folder or folders. If there is differing access levels make sure the 4 pages are in 4 differing folders and select "Protect Folder" right under Manage Products. That way you can protect each page separately.
So I need to create a folder and put the pages i want protected in that folder? So I need to create a folder and put the pages i want protected in that folder? And protect the folder?
Yes...that is the way it works. You would then specify what the default landing page was depending on the product subscription. For example: if someone bought package 1 then he would get access to member1 which will be in the member1 (or whatever) directory. When he logs in he would be automatically be taken to that page, unless he has more than 1 product subscription then he will go to his member page and get to pick which page he wants to see first.
Think i figured it out I think i figured it out but i deleted three of my files that Anton made for me... members.php, members2.php, and members3.php. I thought they were just generated by the script when i created the product, but i was wrong. And, my host: Justhost doesn't have a back up from the recent install they did about three days ago. Some one help!
Do i use the .php file or the .html file? Ok Anton or Alex answered my support ticket and got how to create the .php files again. 1.) Now, do i use the .php file or the .html file as the main page for each protected folder? 2.) Second question.. do i only use the .php files for the protected pages? (The html files won't be used? I can delete them from the server?) 3.) And third.. do I have to use the folders? I can't seem to get the pages to view. It will tell me when i login with the member i created "Oops! This link appears to be broken." Brad
You can place any content you want into a protected folder, php, html pdf, doesnt matter. If you want to display a web page, you can use php or html. David
How do i get my supporting files to show? I cannot get my css stylesheet and supporting files to show up now that I've moved my protected pages to the "members" folder on the root directory. What do i do? Do i need to copy all my supporting folders and files and create another instance of them underneath the "members" folder now? Or can i keep everything in place ie. CSS style sheets, pictures, images, etc and re-refer to them/change the location of them in the protected pages again? I'm not sure what the standard thing to do is... I don't think having two instances of all the supporting files and folders is a good thing to do. I've been about 5 days trying to get this to work and am about to give up. I've submitted a support ticket this morning but maybe someone in here might have an idea before tomorrow rolls around.
Can i just as the snippet of code to the top of the html file? Anton/Alex told me to convert my html page to php and then gave me a snippet of code to put at the very top. I thought i was only supposed to use the php files in the folder.
Figured out you need the / in front of the reference! Not this: <script type="text/javascript" src="jwbox/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jwbox/jquery.jwbox.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jwbox/jwbox.css" /> <script type='text/javascript' src='jwplayer/swfobject.js'></script> But this: <script type="text/javascript" src="/jwbox/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jwbox/jquery.jwbox.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jwbox/jwbox.css" /> <script type='text/javascript' src='/jwplayer/swfobject.js'></script>
The code you posted above isnt protection code- the protect code is php code, so if you want to protect an individual file you'd use php_include protection. Since you are protecting all content in a folder, this isnt needed, and you can use folder protection. Then u can use html, php or anything else you want. No extra code is needed as all files are "walled" off. David