Sending emails to people who complete the 1st sign up page but don't finish the credit card page?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mporter9, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. mporter9

    mporter9 Member

    Aug 25, 2012

    Right now about 50% of the people who land on my sign up page will complete it, but then when they click "Next" and land on the 2nd credit card and address information page they will not finish. What I have been doing is going into the amember admin panel and going to Users > Email Users > advanced Search > Having No Active Subscriptions To > "Product Name"

    I do not want to have to do this manually anymore. How can I automate this? Can I use an auto-responder system like Aweber, GetResponse or MailChimp?

    Basically I want to make it so that anyone who completes the 1st sign up page and makes an account but doesn't finish the 2nd payment page, they will be added to an auto-responder sequence that will offer them various discounts etc. to try and get them to come back and complete their order.

    How can I automate this process?
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003

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