Set-up of products with recurring billing

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by renefred, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. renefred

    renefred New Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    I am trying to set-up products that has recurring billing.

    I am not clear on the options of duration and trial.

    If I set this to ex. 10 days, does it mean that the product will renew it self after 10 days? Or will it expire? Right now, all my tries seem to expire (cron job has been set-up).

    If I for the same product puts a trial period of ex. 5 days, will the product then renew/expire after 15 days? (trail 5 + duration 10 = 15 days).

    Furhter. When I have products with recurring billing, shouldn't there be an unsubscribe option in the member details when the customer is logged in?
    I don't see this at all.

    And lastly. I am not getting the expire notification e-mails eventhough it is ticked off in amember.

    I am running amember on a wordpress installation.
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Trial price: price for the trial amount
    Trial period: trial period
    Price: your recurring price
    Duration: duration before renewal

    recurring: checked if you want the duration and price of above to keep happening.

    period: if you want the recurring to stop after a period- eg 6 mos.


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