Setup fails at setup.php?step=5

Discussion in 'Installation' started by algelf, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. algelf

    algelf Guest

    I've just spent the whole day trying to install the script properly, following the pdf documentation to the letter, but it won't work. Once I've ftp'd the files, changed the rights (temporarily) using chmod and start setup.php it guides me through steps 1 through 6, but in the final step ("step 6 of 6") the links that are displayed and that should lead me to the admin pages only lead to blank pages. Something seems to load (judging from the progress bar in the browser) and there is no "file not found" message, but the screen just stays blank.

    Could this have anything to do with the fact that the mySQL database is hosted on a different server (this is required by the provider)? In the default setting, it is suggested that in case of doubt the location of the mySQL database should be entered as "localhost". However, according to the informaiton my provider has sent me, the database is hosted on an external server (not under my own domain name on which aMember is installed, but under the domain name of the internet provider), specified by an absolute (rather than relative) URL. Could this be the cause of the problem?

    Thank you very much for any hints that might help me. Please reply using this thread -- many thanks!
  2. tomarriola

    tomarriola Member

    Mar 29, 2003
    You'll get an answer if you request support via the red link above. As a fellow user I can tell you localhost won't work with a remote server. Try entering the username name there, no http, etc.

    Tom, who is about to request help from support.

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