shopping basket html code css

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by wallpaper_01, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. wallpaper_01

    wallpaper_01 Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    Hi I'm using this code in shopping basket.

    <div class="am-block block"><div id="block-cart-basket"></div></div>

    And it is aligning my whole joomla page text to center. I'm using it in a jumi module in the sidebar to display the shopping cart. I cannot find the CSS that this is linking to in amember to align in left, or stop it aligning my whole page left anyway.


    *Just a note on this, Im only seeing this happen in IE10 on surface and windows phone 8 IE. Not tested other mobiles but working fine on my pc in all browsers.

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