Shopping Cart plugin on a different domain

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by cindybidar, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. rikbidar

    rikbidar aMember Pro Customer

    Oct 3, 2012
    I'm installing aMember on one domain (call it the "umbrella" site, if you will) and intend to put buy buttons on other domains. When a user clicks the button, they'll be redirected to the umbrella site to complete their purchase. This works as expected with the regular sign-up forms.

    But what I want to do is use this same setup with the shopping cart plugin. That seems to break, since the button code is relying on some javascript on the umbrella site. So my question is, if I install the aMember remote plugin, will I be able to use the shopping cart across domains? Or is there another solution?
  2. gcbe

    gcbe New Member

    Dec 2, 2013
    which is the best shopping cart plugin to integrate Amember Pro 4 and effectively keep track of sales by affiliates?

    I have to install a shopping cart and keep track of aMember and above all I have to keep track of sales made ​​by the affiliates to assign their commissions.

    Help me, please

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