Showing Future Payments

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by matador, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. matador

    matador New Member

    Apr 5, 2012

    It seems the default v4 template does not show future payments/subscriptions under the 'Active Subscriptions' page.
    I see the template is ~/application/default/views/member ; looks like payment-history.phtml

    How do we go about showing this ?

    I was going to create a support ticket, but I think others would find this useful also.

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Well it should display only "Active" subscriptions. Future subscriptions are not active yet so they are not being displayed.
    What is the purpose of displaying Future subscriptions?
  3. matador

    matador New Member

    Apr 5, 2012

    Because people renew on our site, and then wonder whether it has gone through, etc.. And also like to know how much time they have left in total.
    For my users, it could also verify the IPN with whatever payment provider continues to work. If not, we would know very soon. (You know how users are ;) )

    Users might have a 1 month sub. about to expire, and they already renewed for 3 months earlier in the month, but...
    A) Forgot B) Sharing access with another person, and the other person renewed on the account.
    Many reasons why it would be totally awesome to display all future subs.

    Just thought of another... If we somehow disappoint the customer, or want to reward them with some additional free access (affiliates doing well, users helping others on the forum, etc..) then we give them more time via "Complimentary Access" ; but they cannot see it until the current sub. runs out.

    In summary --- it would be most beneficial in so many scenarios.

    Thanks :)

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