Help! I have "signup-only" products showing on member.php for pending users. Please show me how to change the logic for when a product shows on member.php for members who are pending. In other words, they have begun the enrollment process but not paid. They can log in and add a product - but I want them to see ONLY products that are authorized for member.php if they meet the requirements in the "Disallow subscription to this product if the following conditions meet and user has" box on product edit. Currently, the pending member can view any product on member.php that is has a scope of "signup only" - unless I set a "requirement" of a prior product to hide it. This, however, blocks new people for signing up for this product on signup. (I use a negative price_group to 'control' access to these products on signup). I currently have all the "Disallow subscription to this product if the following conditions meet and user has" selected. In other words, nobody should see this product if they have any history of a product. That part works okay - except for the pending users who have no product history - but can still log in and access member.php. How do I change the logic so a signup only product ONLY shows up on signup.php - NOT to pending users on member.php?? (Pardon my exhaustive explanation. This is a copy & paste from a helpdesk ticket - which I cannot wait 24 hours for. I've found that thoroughness is helpful - so I don't get a question asking for clarification on something after waiting 24 hours. )
Solved. Solved: In member.php, These lines were commented out: // } elseif ($v['price_group'] < 0){ // unset($products_to_renew[$k]); I un-commented them - and the page now works as I explained above. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.
Ack! I take that last post back. This stopped nearly all products (with negative price groups?) from displaying under Add/Renew on member.php. That's not an option! Help?