Single Authentication With Ib

Discussion in 'Integration' started by terriz, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. terriz

    terriz Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    I see in another post, that the vBulletin plugin is integrated such that when you log in to aMember, you don't have to log in again when you go to vBulletin (and vice versa).

    My question is, can it work this way also with Invision Board?

    I have aMember installed and integrated with Invision Board. I am able to sign up, and get into both the aMember areas and the Invision Board area with that one login id and password. However, I still have to log in twice to get into both areas. Do I need to change something in the configuration to make this work?

    Terri Z
  2. spence

    spence Guest

    I would be interested to know this too, please.
  3. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Terry, it should work by default so you don't have to login twice.
    Your member must have the same username/password in both databases. if he has and it still doesn't work, please contact support - we have ideas why it may happens and it always can be fixed.

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