Hi, I am trying to create a function in the site.inc.php file that uses the $db->get_payments($payment_id); hook. But when I try to use this hook according to the amember manual, I get the error message: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function setup_plugin_hook() in /home/wikicook/public_html/amember/site.inc.php on line 21" I am getting the error message when I type www.wikicook.com/amember/site.inc.php directly into the browser. I know the error means that the code doesn't interpret $db as an object. But I declared 'global $db;' like the amember manual told me to so I don't know why it isn't. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! I have copied the function below - this is the complete code of the site.inc.php file. ___________________ <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); function get_active_member_array(){ //this function assumes users can only subscribe to one product at a time. global $db; $active_member_array = $db->query($sql= "SELECT member_id FROM {$db->config[prefix]}members WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY member_id"); //This statement begins on line 21, which the error message refers to. return $active_member_array; } //Testing the Function by printing the member array: $member_array = get_active_member_array(); echo "active member array:<br>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($member_array); echo "</pre>"; ?>