Hello guys, Thought Id post on the forum instead of directly contacting support, so that way everyone will be able to find a solution for this. I have a smarty tag on member.html Welcome, {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_f} {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_l} when I log into member.php, it works great, it shows first and last name! But the problem is that I have a gallery script inside amember/gallery, I also want to show the first and last name of the user on my sub php files. So I want amember/gallery/index.php (which has an html temp, inside gallery/templates) to introduce users with the first and last as well, Ive tried to add this Welcome, {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_f} {$smarty.session._amember_user.name_l} To the html file, but when I go to index.php nothing is there other than "welcome," Is it possible? how?
add the following code to your PHP file. To very first line of file, add line: PHP: <?php session_start(); ?> then add where you need to display: PHP: <?php print "Welcome, ".$_SESSION[_amember_user][name_f]." ".$_SESSION[_amember_user][name_l]; ?>