some questions about program and paypal

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by kicon, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. kicon

    kicon Guest

    hi iam looking password manager software that have most important features i want. let say i have like ten pages for saling 1,2,3 to 10 and when the customer had paid by paypal for what pages they bought like 4,5,6 and they can be allowed to have the usernames and passwords sent by e-mail instantly to login page 4,5,6 only using the same login link or member area at my main website. each page can support to thousands usernames and password login. also is this program working with paypal shopping cart like after they paid through paypal they will get the password instantly to login the the pages and get protuct right away?
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It is all possible and easy with aMember.
    You will be able to setup any number of products and protected areas (pages).

    Yes, it will instantly and automatically handle paypal payments.

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