Hi truly a great system you built. But I want to ask is there a possibility to create a menu as the "Country and State". Once you select a block from which the client is in the menu to remain only switch for the block. When we chose this block in the dropdown menu to show only 18-3-D-link, 18-9-D-link, 18-9-Sisco. And also is it possible for consumers discharged soon after for example 5 days to be marked in orange yellow 3 days, and past the red.
This page display user records, and each user can have more then one product subscribed. So should it display maximum expiration date based on all user's payments? Also what payment systems do you use? Some payment plugins set expiration date to 2039-12-31 for recurring payments, so such info will be useless.
Manual payment from us! I want to use the system for me and people from my team. to reflect payments to clients
ok. Edit /amember/plugins/db/mysql.inc.php and change this function: PHP: function get_users_list($pattern='%', $status=-1, $start=0, $limit=-1, $aff_id=0 ){ $where = $having = ""; if ($pattern) $where = " AND u.login LIKE '" . $this->escape($pattern) . "' "; if (strlen($status)){ $status = intval($status); if ($status >= 0 && $status < 3) $where .= " AND status = $status "; else if($status == 3){ $where .= " AND is_affiliate>0 "; } } if($aff_id ){ $where .= "AND u.aff_id = '$aff_id'"; } $limit_exp = $this->get_limit_exp($start, $limit); $q = $this->query($s = "SELECT u.*, SUM(if(p.completed, 1, 0)) AS count_of_completed, SUM(if(p.completed, p.amount,0)) as summa_of_completed FROM {$this->config['prefix']}members u LEFT JOIN {$this->config['prefix']}payments p ON (p.member_id=u.member_id) WHERE 1 $where GROUP BY u.member_id HAVING 1 $having ORDER BY u.login $limit_exp "); $rows = array(); while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){ if ($r['data']) $r['data'] = $this->decode_data($r['data']); $rows[] = $r; } return $rows; } to PHP: function get_users_list($pattern='%', $status=-1, $start=0, $limit=-1, $aff_id=0 ){ $where = $having = ""; if ($pattern) $where = " AND u.login LIKE '" . $this->escape($pattern) . "' "; if (strlen($status)){ $status = intval($status); if ($status >= 0 && $status < 3) $where .= " AND status = $status "; else if($status == 3){ $where .= " AND is_affiliate>0 "; } } if($aff_id ){ $where .= "AND u.aff_id = '$aff_id'"; } $limit_exp = $this->get_limit_exp($start, $limit); $q = $this->query($s = "SELECT u.*, max(if(p.completed, p.expire_date, '')) AS expire_date, SUM(if(p.completed, 1, 0)) AS count_of_completed, SUM(if(p.completed, p.amount,0)) as summa_of_completed FROM {$this->config['prefix']}members u LEFT JOIN {$this->config['prefix']}payments p ON (p.member_id=u.member_id) WHERE 1 $where GROUP BY u.member_id HAVING 1 $having ORDER BY u.login $limit_exp "); $rows = array(); while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){ if ($r['data']) $r['data'] = $this->decode_data($r['data']); $rows[] = $r; } return $rows; } Then in /amember/templates/admin/users.html you will be able to use this valiable within {foreach from=$ul item=u} cycle: {$u.expire_date}
Does anyone have any ideas how to do drop-down menus.Once you select a block from which the client is in the menu to remain only switch for the block. When we chose this block in the dropdown menu to show only 18-3-D-link, 18-9-D-link, 18-9-Sisco.