Hi, I am trying to pull the product id's of all products a user is subscribed to directly from the 'data' field of the member database. The following sql for a given member with $member_id: $sql = sprintf("SELECT data FROM amember_members WHERE member_id = %s",$member_id); gives me the following result: [data] => a:3:{s:6:"status";a:1:{i:1;i:1;}s:9:"is_active";i:1;s:17:"signup_email_sent";i:1;} What is the format of this string? What do the numbers represent? How do I figure out which product_ids the user is currently subscribed to? Thanks! Mark
Here is what I can tell you about the string you provided: The data within the { after "status" indicates: a:1 - whether or not the user has any active products (1 active, 0 inactive) i1:1;i:1 - user has an active membership to product 1 (i:1<-product1;i:1<-active) This is the same data string you should see at the bottom of the user info screen for this user. On a side note, this works to get the products the user is subscribed to using data from session: Code: <? foreach ($_SESSION['_amember_products'] as $p){ print "<a href='".$p['url']."'>".$p['title']."</a><br />"; } ?>
or Code: $_SESSION['amember_product_ids'] if you just the product id (the above example gives product name hyperlinked to URL