Starting and Stopping recurring subscriptions

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tomingles, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013

    Does anyone know what happens if a customer cancels (before they reach the end of the billing plan) then wishes to re-start a recurring subscription product?

    For example:

    A customer signs up for a 12 month subscription/installment plan to a product that is incrementally delivered. After 4 months, they have some kind of financial crisis, and cancel the subscription. 2 months later they have more money, and want to continue. They write asking "Can I re-subscribe and pay for the remaining 8 months?".

    What's the easiest way of them or us re-activating their subscription from where they got to before, so that they pay the remaining 8 months and don't have to start from the beginning again?

  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    By start at the beginning, you are dripping them content?
    It should continue from where they left off if its the same product.

  3. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Hi David, thanks for replying again.

    Yes, we're dripping them content - a set of files each month for 14 months. They receive these files on one single Wordpress page for which we have hidden and protected the files using the Wordpress integration and short-codes based on time elapsed since their sign-up day.

    So if they cancel their payments after paying for two months and receiving two months of files, and then want to re-start again, how do they do that?

    If they buy the subscription again using the signup form, won't they start from day 0 again and be charged 14 times? Or I think you're saying that the system should see they have an active subscription for the product already (it's a lifetime subscription), BUT they are already up to day 62, so it will start counting upwards from 62 from the day they re-subscribe? So they'll get the Month 3 files immediately the day they re-subscribe?

    If you could confirm this it would be great.

  4. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    If the subscription is a fixed term- it has an ending, then this gets tricky.
    amember doesnt have a product setting that will automatically calculate how many payments are left based on a prior product that was canceled.

    So yes- they would be charged 14 times again.

    There may be a hack to fix this though- i had manually done it a long time ago on v2.x

  5. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Thanks David, support replied to me about this earlier and basically said the only way to do it is to create a whole set of different products like this:

    The original product for 14 months
    Another product for 13 of the 14 months
    One for 12 of the 14 months
    One for 11 of the 14 months

    Then send the user to a hidden sign-up form for whatever product includes the number of months they are still to pay for, when they write asking to sign-up again (having cancelled their product subscription once).

    As we are selling almost exactly the same 14 month installment product in two version (English and Spanish) it will involve us setting up 26 more products in Amember just to occasionally deal with the above scenario.

    For that reason, we're just going to tell them "Sorry, you shouldn't have cancelled" :) and give them the option of buying the "straight download" version of the same product at full price, at which point we'll refund them their previous installment payments.

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