Starting and Stopping recurring subscriptions

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tomingles, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Sorry this is a duplicate thread - I reposted as the forum generated an error and said it hadn't posted it and to "please try again". I can't seem to delete it so perhaps an admin can? Thanks.


    Does anyone know what happens if a customer cancels (before they reach the end of the billing plan) then wishes to re-start a recurring subscription product?

    For example:

    A customer signs up for a 12 month subscription/installment plan to a product that is incrementally delivered. After 4 months, they have some kind of financial crisis, and cancel the subscription. 2 months later they have more money, and want to continue. They write asking "Can I re-subscribe and pay for the remaining 8 months?".

    What's the easiest way of them or us re-activating their subscription from where they got to before, so that they pay the remaining 8 months and don't have to start from the beginning again?


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