This morning I looked inside my amember admin panel and went to search users (or browse or add) and I get this big red error message: MYSQL ERROR:<br />Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/#sql_176f_0.MYI' (Errcode: 2)<br />in query:<br />SELECT u.*, SUM(if(p.completed, 1, 0)) AS count_of_completed, SUM(if(p.completed, p.amount,0)) as summa_of_completed FROM amember_members u LEFT JOIN amember_payments p ON (p.member_id=u.member_id) WHERE 1 AND u.login LIKE 'A%' GROUP BY u.member_id HAVING 1 ORDER BY u.login LIMIT 0, 20 I have no clue what this means and would greatly appreciate a clue as to where to begin. Thank you
are you seeing any other issues or just the issue with searching/browsing users? The error suggests an issue with your web server not being able to write to the /var/tmp directory. Checking yourself or asking your host to verify permissions would be a start.