Sub Accounts in V4?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by guy1, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. guy1

    guy1 Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Hi guys, Ive taken a look here and did a search in the V4 documentation for sub users / sub accounts but havent found much.

    I want to offer clients the ability to purchase additional users for the same subscription. I dont mind setting up the accounts specifically for these types of customers when they come along but need to enable admin (me) to set up so that the master account holder controls choice over subscription choices whilst sub users have just protected area access.

    Is this possible off the shelf in V4?


  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Check out the sub-users plugin.

  3. guy1

    guy1 Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Thank you David. I see a module located at: which is probably the same thing although it seems only to allow sub users the ability to purchase subscriptions rather than be controlled and managed by the parent user only.

    I have sent a ticket to the helpdesk to clarify.

    The same functionality was described for V3 at:
    and required some modification for it to work seamlessly.
  4. benfitts

    benfitts Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    Our clients have chosen a different path for this.

    They sell a master account X number of licenses. They then generate coupons for X number of users.

    We created a special sign up form for them that first checks the coupon and if valid and not redeemed will then take them to a sign up form with the correct product.

    I didn't know about the Subuser plugin (or maybe it wasn't even available) when we first settled on this solution.
  5. guy1

    guy1 Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Hi Benjamin, that sounds like a good working solution. It would be worth you checking out the sub user module I think, just so you are aware of it. It seems quite hidden somewhere in the subscriptions area but I have had a few emails to clarify the features via support. In v3 there was a sub user plugin (i think) that was a bit confusing because it had to be linked to groups which created additional issues for me and other users.

    However this v4 sub user module seems to have a lot of great options that would cover off a range of business model uses.

    For me, I want to be able to offer a client a fixed fee for access to a set number of sub users. Each sub user is assigned a subscription (or subscriptions). Each sub user can have one or more of the range of subscriptions you have set up. So for me that works well.
  6. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
    I use the subuser module. Our "Premium Memberships" are for companies (CPA Firms). Everyone at that single location is eligible to be a member under the main parent membership. The parent membership controls the payment for the Premium Membership.

    I also have various continuing professional education courses set up. The subusers can each individually sign up for those items.

    So, it is possible to do both. If you have any questions about how that is set up message me.

    my site is, but since you aren't a member it won't allow you to view the subusers.
  7. guy1

    guy1 Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    Thank you Tokazama, I've had a good dialogue with support and yes, this module sounds just right. I am going to wait until I have a coporporate client before pursuing further now.

    Thanks all :)
  8. PKtimservice

    PKtimservice New Member

    Sep 16, 2007
    I was wondering if it is possible for this plugin to solve an issue I have. A client of mine is a baseball organization that annually has parents register their children to play baseball. Currently, they register one child using their email address but need to provide a different email address for each subsequent child (unique email addresses is new in v4). Could I just use the Parent registration for the parents and have their kids each have their own sub account with full registration data and their own fees for the division they each play in, thereby circumventing the unique email issue or will each sub-user also need to have a unique email address?

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