Subscription Expires date on membership information page incorrect

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tomingles, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    (When I added an attached image to this post, it deleted all the text for the whole post I had written below.)


    I have created a fixed term subscription that I want to charge the same amount for, for 14 months. As I seem to have to set a First Period and Second Period, rather than just one period of 14 months, I have done it like this:

    First period: 1 Month
    Rebill Times (Charge Second Price x times): 13
    Second Period: 1 Month

    This is fine, it sets up the subscription fine with PayPal, BUT on the members information page it shows:

    Active subscriptions - expires 09/09/13

    Which is one month from today's date, the date I set up the subscription. (see attached image)

    This is definitely going to confuse people as they have just signed up for a 14 month installment plan. Is there any easy way to either show "Next renewal date" OR remove it altogether?

    Attached Files:

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