Subscription product without trial period

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by tomingles, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013

    I can't seem to set-up a subscription product that doesn't have a trial period. All I want to do is charge the same price (€7) for 14 monthly installments, but it keeps creating a billing plan with PayPal labelled with three items (see image):

    Initial Payment: €0.00 EUR
    Trial Period:€7.00 EUR - total cycles 1
    Regular Recurring Payment€7.00 EUR - total cycles 13

    Is there not a way this can be done so that it just creates a billing plan with PayPal where it says:

    Initial Payment: €7.00 EUR
    Regular Recurring Payment€7.00 EUR - total cycles 13

    Which is actually what is happening here.

  2. carmelr

    carmelr New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    When I have products like yours I set it as follows:
    First Price: €7.00
    First Period: 1 month
    Rebill Times: Charge Second Price X Times: 13
    Second Price: €7.00
    Second Period: 1 month

    The above settings should result in what you are looking for.
    Hope this helps,
  3. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Thanks for your reply carmelr, but that is actually exactly how I have set it up already, and that is what is causing the problem in the attached graphic.

    To avoid customers getting confused and emailing our support, I really just wanted it to say in PayPal:

    Initial Payment: €7.00 EUR
    Regular Recurring Payment €7.00 EUR - total cycles 13

    And not the following, which is what happens with the set-up that you suggested and that I already have

    Initial Payment: €0.00 EUR
    Trial Period:€7.00 EUR - total cycles 1
    Regular Recurring Payment €7.00 EUR - total cycles 13

    Basically there is no trial period at all, so I don't want to start telling customers they have paid €7 for a trial period.

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