Hi, I have a question regarding paypal subscriptions. If the paypal address has changed on site, but the subscription on amember is to an old paypal account will it still renew and activate there account? We recently brought a website and updated the paypal address to our own, however users appear to be remaining active on there existing active subscription, however payment is not showing on amember nor our new paypal obviously. My question is are they still recieving an active subscription? This is really frustraiting as we dont want them to have access to the website if they have not paid us! It is down to them to not pay the previous paypal account. Please help ASAP as we have thousands of subscriptions and not getting much money for it! Regards
The agreement people made was with the prior email- so they will keep getting rebilled on that. The only way to move them to a new paypal account is to have them cancel and rejoin under your new account. As far as old users being active, they are on a recurring cycle that only gets canceled when paypal tells amember they canceled. You may be able to go into the database (phpmyadmin) and manually set the end date to yesterday to expire all accounts. (but they will still get billed by paypal under the old account) David
Thank you for this, I dont mind them getting billed by the old paypal as we have told them to use the new paypal on the forums and sent emails. The problem is, everyone on the old paypal address i want there accounts to expire, the only way to do that i can see at the moment is going through all of there accounts. There is 1500 of them ish, that are on the old paypal. thats a long day lol
I think there is a way to mass cancel users in paypal if thats what you want to do. (IMHO - theres a ton of $ that will be lost as you cancel and then resell people to sign up again) David